Finance and Resources Committee (FRC)
Committee membership:
Fr. Tom, Peter Kollig (Chairperson), Eileen Aylett, Alan Coppen, Martin Ryan. Brendan O’Donovan, Patrick Dobell, Andre Neves, Michael Keogh (Secretary).

Function and Remit of this committee
The committee will support the Parish Pastoral Committee (PPC) and Priests to maintain the parish finances on a sound setting, trying to ensure that expenditure is matched to income.
Now that St. Boniface is been given Grade 2 Historical status, this places a huge responsibility on FRC to ensure that the church building are appropriately maintained.
The committee aims to put in place a programme of building work to repair, maintain and improve church property and facilities.
The committee will try and put in place a programme of building work to repair, maintain and improve church property and facilities
Projects the committee is considering.
Moving the Parish office from the Presbytery to the church hall to create a Parish Hub.
Introduce the facility for contactless giving to permit parishioners, visitors to contribute by credit/debit card.
Incorporate an accessible toilet into the church hall entrance foyer.
Upgrade the church sanctuary lighting.