The Requiem Mass for Clifford Cross Friday, 20th Sept 2024
Clifford was a much loved and respected parishioner at St Boniface. Like so many of our parishioners who have passed away, Clifford made a significant contribution to parish life over many years. You can read Clifford’s Eulogy by his son Mark which shows how much faith and family was at the centre of his life.
Picture from the front cover of Clifford's Requiem Mass booklet
Filipino parish day , 25th of August
The celebration at the 11am Mass, 25th August was a wonderful parish celebration open to all.
Pentecost cake celebration Sunday 19th May 2024
Thank you to everyone who baked or bought cakes for the Sunday 11am and 5:30pm Masses. Wonderful fellowship.
Annual Parish Picnic
Thank you to everyone who organised and attended the St Boniface parish picnic in the New Forest. We enjoyed great weather, fellowship, shared lunch and even competitive game of rounders.
Knit & Natter making Poppies for Remembrance Sunday
Members of the knit & Natter group have been busy knitting poppies ready for the display in the church for Remembrance Sunday. The request was made by Carol Olding who asked that we knit as many poppies as possible in a two week period. There was steam coming off some of the needles!
Called And Gifted Sat 9th Sept
The Called and Gifted Programme started in St Boniface on Sat 9th Sept: Here the three stages.
Stage 1: The Teaching. Understanding about the Charisms and Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit taught in the bible. This will be a group teaching session in St Boniface Hall. Sat 9th Sept.
Stage 2: The 1-1 discernment process. Portsmouth diocese have a team of facilitators, trained by the Catherine of Siena Institute, to help you unlock your potential charisms.
Stage 3: The Experimentation Stage. Prayerful support and team accompaniment to assist you as you explore one charism in real situations in your life. Do you feel joyful? Are the effects above and beyond normal expectations?
World Youth Day in Lisbon Portugal.
One of our amazing young parishioners has recently returned from the World Youth Day in Lisbon Portugal. Click on the link to read an account of meeting the Pope and being with over 1 million young Catholics from around the world. Click Here.
Nigerian Day: Mass and Celebration.
A tremendous occasion. Well done to everyone involved in helping to organise and arrange the Nigerian Mass and celebration in the hall after the 11am Mass on Sunday, 30th July. St Boniface was able to experience Mass with a Nigerian Choir to lead the worship. There was even a most joyful procession at the end of Mass. Well done on the amazing catering and particularly those who provided and cooked all the food.

First Holy Communion 2023
Well done to our amazing children and parents, prayer partners and everyone involved in this year’s FHC preparation Programme.

Newly Confirmed
Huge Congratulations to the newly confirmed Parishioners from St Boniface who all received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Philip on Saturday, 17th June in Portsmouth Cathedral. Please keep them all in your prayers.

St Boniface Parish Celebration Sunday, 4th June 2023.
To celebrate the feast of St Boniface, on Saturday evening, Fr Godwin gave a talk on the life, service and discipleship of St Boniface followed by Eucharistic Adoration. At the 11am Mass on the feast of the Holy Trinity, six faithful altar servers received their St Stephen medals having now completed at least a year of service. There then followed a share meal celebrating the many ethnic and cultural diversity that is making St Boniface a thriving parish. Many thanks to Fr Godwin and the amazing team of helpers. Thank you also to all the amazing chefs who prepared delicious food.
Flores de Mayo Sat 27th May
For the first time, this celebration took place in St Boniface Church on Sat, 27th May open to everyone. It was an amazing colourful and very joyful celebration, in warm sunshine. The Church was beautifully decorated with flower, there was Mass, procession and then fellowship and shared food in the hall.
St Boniface’s own Michelangelo
Following a presentation of a Diocesan medal, our very own MichaelAngelo, (aka Brendan O’Donovan) shared why he had devoted much time to reproducing three beautiful paintings now prominently displayed in the Church, See below. Inspiring Story
Brendan and Margaret O’Donovan: Diocesan Medals.
Fr Tom had the great pleasure of presenting Brendan and Margaret O’Donovan with Diocesan medals, on behalf of Bishop Philip. Fr Tom warmly shared the great work that Brendan and Margaret have been involved in since coming to St Boniface in the 1980’s. Reference was made to Brendan’s work over 35 years on the finance committee and overseeing Gift Aid and the envelope scheme. Both Brendan and Margaret helped on the first marriage preparation courses, were both Eucharistic Ministers and both were heavily involved with the 10:30 Sunday choir.
Margaret was also a hospital chaplain and a governor at Springhill school for 10 years.
You can also see Brendan’s amazing artistic skills with 3 paintings proudly displayed in the church.
Visitation from Germany
We were very pleased and honoured to welcome pilgrims from the Catholic parish S. Bonifatius in Amöneburg, Germany. This is the village where St Boniface built a small monastery and a church below the castle Amöneburg in 721 and began the Christianization of Upper Hesse. Led by their parish priest Fr. Bernhard Klatt and Deacon Paul Lang, our pilgrims will celebrate Mass with us on 16th April at 9am. Afterwards there was tea & coffee and biscuits in the church hall.

Easter 2023
How beautiful did St Boniface look this Easter. Easter was very busy this year following on from all the Lenten activities: Stations of the Cross, talks by Fr Tom and Soup lunches.
On Good Friday morning, Stations of the Cross were wonderfully led by the St Boniface confirmation candidates. At the Easter Vigil, we gatherer outside on the church steps to witness the Light of Christ coming into a darkened church.
To help us understand the full significance of the Resurrection, one of our parishioners has created the empty tomb displayed on Our lady’s altar. This complements the wonderful flowers, Pascal candle and notice the gold vail that streams down to the baptismal font. Thank you to all who have helped to decorate the church.
Repair and Maintenance
Great work from Terry Bignell and his partner Terry who have repainted sections of the narthex (entrance to the church) which were badly peeling.
Senior’s Epiphany Tea Party
Nearly 40 parishioners were guests on Saturday, 7th January 2023 for tea, cake and sandwiches. The guests were wonderfully looked after by the St Boniface confirmation candidates who served the refreshments and made sure cups were refilled and empty plates replenished. Great afternoon of chat and fellowship.