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Reader’s Course

Sister Hyacinthe is running her excellent two-part Readers Course again. It is online, and we would urge Reader volunteers, who have not yet been trained, to sign up. The online sessions are supplemented by brief one-to-one sessions to give personal feedback and helpful advice. The dates for the two Readers Workshops are Saturday 4th and 11th December, 10am to 1pm. They are different, and ideally both should be followed, with subsequent Commissioning and award of the Diocesan Recognitio. Details and sign-up can be found on the following link: Church Readers | Portsmouth Formation for Mission (

Please let me know ( email ) if you intend to follow the course, as we do need all our Readers to be trained in the vital Ministry of the Word.

7 December

Funeral. Adele Vella

11 December
